Por algo hay que empezar. Este simulacro de verano está llegando a su recta final y uno recuerda cuando lo que definía la temporada estival no era tanto la meteorología como la ilusión de una libertad que parecía infinita.
Ahora el tiempo parece discurrir furtivamente dejando pocos frutos de los proyectos planeados al principio del verano, mientras que entonces cualquier insignificancia daba pie a múltiples aventuras. Estaría bien recuperar un poco de aquella actividad.
There is always a beginning. This Summer-wannabe we are living through is reaching its end and one can remember those times when the holidays period was not defined by the weather forecast but by the illusion of a sort of freedom which seemed endless.
Now time seems to flow stealthily, leaving few of the projects planned at the start of the season as it goes by, when back then any little thing was the starting point of a new adventure. It would be great to recover at least a little bit of that activity.